Simply the best reward….French Macarons!

Here at Grace Girl we are into rewards…by that I mean taking time to reward yourself for a job well done or hardwork that has paid off…Our favorite reward is starting the bubble bath, queuing up an episode of Beverly Hills 90210, pouring ourselves a glass of chardonnay and having a few of these delicious…

One Blouse, Three Ways!

Hi Grace Girls! Ever needed to justify a purchase by wearing said item more often? Here are three different ways to style a blouse! We love this style of blouse because of its versatility. It pairs perfectly with a blazer for work, with a cute pair of shorts for weekend fun, and can be accessorized…

Happy Earth day!

Earth day is a great day to celebrate! Truly! Today your mission is to look around and see how truly amazing our world is, celebrate our Earth and embrace natures creatures! Whether its the singing birds outside your window, the blooming flowers everywhere, the shining sun or the blueness of the sky! Here are our…

50 Favorite things for 50 posts!

We’ve made it to 50 posts on Grace Girl! Thanks to all of you who have read our blog…We have so much fun coming up with content and making our videos! In honor of our 50 posts..we’re sharing with you 50 things that make us smile!! 1. That first cup of morning coffee 2. Puppy’s…

Happy National Siblings Day!

Happy National Siblings day to all of you who are lucky enough have siblings…I am lucky to have a Sister that I get along with, who is my absolute best friend in the whole world! We not only live together and spend lots of time together but we get to work together too! To honor…

Fancy Spring Manicure!

Do you have any events coming up that require you to get little dressy? This manicure will add a little sparkle to any outfit for a fun, fancy and slightly flirty manicure that will certainly get people talking! It’s simple, easy and fun too! Try it..I think you’ll love it!

Chia Seed Pudding!! Perfect for the ON-THE-GO Girl

Being a Grace Girl can be challenging…Balancing kicking butt at work, keeping your family happy and of course having the perfect outfit, manicure and all with the utmost grace possible it’s difficult to have time to prepare for yourself “the most important meal of the day”…Coffee right?…NO NO NO…You need more than coffee for breakfast…