#FridayFaveFive Easter calorie burn

Yes, Easter is this coming weekend! And we’re SO excited! But Easter, just like any holiday can be stressful too. Family coming over, lots of pressure to clean the house, make dinner and tidy up the yard! And you may WANT to exercise this day but just might not have enough time! This week’s #FridayFaveFive gives you our five fave ways to burn calories without going to the gym..ie: a good old day of cleaning is a great workout!

Don’t fret, you can still get in a workout and burn some serious calories by doing household chores!

1. Vacuuming for 15 minutes burns about 90 calories, engage your core for an extra “special” workout, plus, it’s a great arm workout too!

2. Mowing the lawn is a HUGE bang for your buck workout…let me preface that with a push mower, riding mowers burn far less. Benefits are number one, you get outside! Number two, it’s a full body workout, feel those hamstrings working and number three you burn 306 calories in ONE HOUR! Yee-haw, so of course you can have that extra serving of ham! You deserve it!


3. 1 hour of cooking buys you 86 calories, that being said, not if you’re like me and like to sip wine while cooking! What the heck, it’s a holiday and sipping wine while cooking makes it fun!

rabbit-41119_960_7204. Cleaning those bathrooms is a great workout; scrubbing, sweeping, organizing can burn 90 calories in 30 minutes, grab some latex gloves because it’s about to get crazy!

5. Sweeping indoors for 30 minutes burns 136 calories, you’ll burn more if you dance while sweeping! Put on your favorite tunes and get your sweep on!

Congrats! By the time Easter dinner rolls around you’ve burned over 700 calories…Easter dinner here you come!

Have a great weekend and Happy Easter to all you grace girls!

Write to us and tell us how you burn calories with household chores!





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